Esotericism constitutes the hidden aspects of the Known, as opposed to its overt counterpart, termed exotericism.
Man’s whole happiness lies in his imagination. - D. A. F. de Sade
The capture or fixation of ideas in written form is of capital importance. Thus, the loss of a manuscript is a tragic occurrence if it also corresponds to the loss of the expression of ideas that, like butterflies, were netted from fugitive inspiration and, as quickly as possible, consigned to paper.
The act of doing so may prove a daunting task as it cannot be delayed; indeed, it will be almost impossible to replicate once the unique moment has passed. I have often found this to be the case with insights—sudden flashes illuminating arcane matters—if one did not act at once to write them down, they would invariably prove incredibly fugitive and perhaps soon lost in the abyss of forgotten thoughts.