With a satisfied smile, full of irony, she averted her eyes to observe the reaction of her lady-in-waiting.
The latter was staring at Tannhäuser with such intensity that he was compelled to look at her. He recognized the "lady in white" who had brought him the roses, and when their eyes met, he read in them a strange, unmistakable plea for caution. That jarring notion, coupled with the intense emotion he felt laying eyes upon Venus, was most unsettling.
Struggling to regain his composure, he thought furiously: To hell with the very notion of caution! He was not here to be cautious.
"Everyone here knows our guest Tannhäuser, while he, in due course, shall meet everybody. Therefore, we shan't burden him with meaningless introductions!" declared the precocious Leo, with considerable aplomb, as he led Tannhäuser to Venus's side.