On Ganda, it now seemed ages ago, while composing the music for "Sea Life," he had fallen asleep trying to write a song. Feeling hot, he'd gone for a swim, embracing with every loving stroke his beloved sea.
Without knowing how, he'd found himself on a small rocky islet, which he knew well. He had entered a large cave, wondering why he'd never noticed it before. "Hurry, sweetheart," murmured the warm, languid breeze in his ear, "or you'll miss The Pearl's Song."
The harpsichord, the harp, and the flute had been playing, and a guitar was now in his hand. He had known what he would play, but he had awakened. His pet squirrel was licking the inside of his ear, and Manita, long lost Manita, was removing the guitar from his hands. His anger had been great.