In 1965, while on his first headlining tour in America, Tannhäuser was initiated into the psychedelic mysteries by a Hollywood movie star. He had, of course, been familiar with drugs ever since his youthful days in Paris. But according to various sources, he’d given up smoking cigarettes when he began to sing professionally and didn’t indulge in so-called soft drugs.
However, an unproven insider rumor insisted that he had, and in fact still had, a fondness for cocaine. Whereas in truth, since doctors in the United Kingdom had stopped prescribing cocaine to junkies as an antidote to heroin addiction, supplies of the pharmaceutical kind, which he prized, had become tiresomely irregular.
Now, at any rate, Tannhäuser prided himself on his total independence from drugs. However, for a while during the 1960s,