Dawn was breaking as he slipped out of his parent's house in Switzerland. He ran down the laurel-hedged alley that led to the overseer's house. Once there, he scaled the facade until he reached an open window and stealthily stole into the room. He moved with extreme caution toward the bed where the girl lay asleep.
Kneeling by her side, he caught his breath and inserted his hand beneath the sheets. Strain, fear, and desire played upon his features while he caressed the voluptuous naked body of the sleeping girl. She moved slightly, tuning her head toward him. He froze, listening to her breathing, but she went on sleeping. Teeth clenched, he buried his face in the eiderdown before resuming his caresses.
The girl's eyes opened, and, for a fleeting instant, she was Venus looking at him with a charming, ironical smile. Then again, it was the sleeping girl.
The vision dissolved.