In all the private Swiss schools, sports were almost a religion and the spirit of fierce competition was very much encouraged upon the playing fields. The Inter-School Olympics which took place at Vidy near Lausanne were always taken very seriously.
I tried on several occasions to be part of the junior sprint team but never made it. However, the day of the games was always a memorable one.
I vividly remember the year Prince Karim Aga Khan (then 16 years old) was presented with a special award for outstanding all-round achievements. Karim (who has since become the Aga Khan), was cited as an example which we should all strive to follow.
If I never distinguished myself during the summer games on the other hand, during the winter games, as I excelled on skis, I was always counted upon to snatch some of the coveted laurels, which Le Rosey teams usually claimed as theirs by right.
I was especially proud of my abilities as a downhill racer, which had earned me a place on the “Moyen” team, composed of boys several years older than me.