My own connection to Aghora and its rejection of abjection have deeply influenced me, and I have incorporated many of its tenets into my Secret philosophy, which stems from the realization of the Absolute Elsewhereness of Being.
For those unfamiliar with the Aghora tradition and its philosophy, here's a brief outline, which is definitely not for the squeamish:
Aghora is a sect of Shaivism in Hinduism, known for its unconventional practices and embrace of what is traditionally considered abject or taboo. Aghora's key aspects include:
Transcendence of Dualities: Aghoris seek to transcend conventional dualities such as pure and impure, good and bad, life and death.
Embrace of the Abject: They engage with aspects of life that are typically considered repulsive or fearsome, such as meditating on cremation grounds, consuming dangerous substances such as drugs, alcohol, and decaying flesh, and using human skulls in rituals.